It’s time for another Q&A, where we show you the many faces of our Shelving Inc. team. As a small, family-owned company, every single member is integral to our success.

Today’s feature: Chrissy Distefano.  


Chrissy is one of our newest additions to the Shelving Inc. team, starting as an administrative assistant this January.

Growing up in St. Clair Shores, Chrissy went to Davenport University and received a bachelor’s degree in business administration.


On a typical day, she answers accounting questions, resolves purchase order issues, and handles our commission packets and invoicing. Working as an administrative assistant for 15 years before taking this position, she is very attune to the multitasking and attention to detail necessary to succeed.

Chrissy says she’s in the position because she likes to help people.


Rapid Fire:

  • Coffee or tea: Neither, she prefers flavored water
  • Favorite show: Friends 
  • Best gift she’s ever received: Her fiancé bought her an enamel-dipped Beauty and the Beast rose outlined in gold in a case
  • First thing she’d buy if she won the lottery: A trip to Australia
  • Holiday she enjoys the most: Christmas, because it’s close to her birthday and she loves giving and receiving presents


Chrissy is a major pet lover. She currently owns a 14-year-old calico cat named Katie, a free-roaming rabbit named Blizzard, a chinchilla named Chia, and a 4-month-old sugar glider named Gizmo. One of the reasons she likes Shelving Inc. is our furry-friend-loving office.


One of Chrissy’s favorite hobbies is letterboxing. For those unfamiliar, letterboxing is an outdoor scavenging activity that involves seeking out hidden letterboxes in areas like parks and forests. Clues are followed to reach the prize – an often hand-made rubber stamp to stamp in your personal logbook.

Chrissy has collected around 400 stamps, visiting all over places like Michigan, California, and Georgia. She loves that the activity allows you to visit and admire places you wouldn’t normally know about.


When the weather is nice, she enjoys rollerblading and bike riding. For an indoor activity, she recently got into diamond painting. Similar to paint-by-numbers, rhinestones are applied to a canvas painting to create dazzling works of art. Although a painstaking process, Chrissy is hooked.

Chrissy is also an avid cruiser, going on twelve trips so far. Although hard to pick, her favorites are either the ABC islands (Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao) or places like St. Lucia and St. Thomas. She marvels the clear water and vivid color of the fish. From going snorkeling, ziplining, and horseback riding, she just can’t get enough!

That’s all for now! Stay tuned for the next Q&A in the coming weeks.

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