Well, hey there! It’s time for the latest edition of Q&A by the Coffee Machine, where we’re taking a quick break to chat with different staff members here at Shelving, Inc.

Up next? Kristin Kaczanowski!


Have you ever used our website’s online chat to ask a question? Kristin may have been the friendly face behind your screen who responded!

She’s worked as our sales assistant/customer service extraordinaire since March of 2018. From answering calls to guiding customers along their ordering process, Kristin is always ready to help.


When at home, she loves getting the family together for cozy nights in, watching movies or playing board games with her 9-year-old son, Jayden.


Rapid Fire:

  • Black beans or refried beans in your burrito: Neither!
  • Favorite city in the U.S. besides where you live: Chicago
  • Go to the theater or watch a movie at home? Typically at home, but she does love to see a movie she’s really excited about in the theater
  • First thing you’d buy after winning the lottery: A new car, and then book a vacation
  • If you could have any superpower, it’d be: Flying, so she’d (maybe) travel more


Many don’t know that Kristin wears the chef hat in the family, finding joy in cooking and baking food that people love to eat. One of her favorite things to make is homemade pizza—there’s just so many possibilities! Here at the office, we can attest to her skills and love munching on her sweet treats from time to time.

Eventually she’d like to become more advanced in the culinary field and start taking class to receive a culinary degree.


Come back in a few weeks for another Q&A!

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