Moving to a new facility can be one of the biggest challenges faced by a warehousing company.

Above and beyond the usual logistical headaches associated with moving, such as making sure everything gets to the new building okay and readjusting to the new layout, the issue of deciding where to move your warehouse can be a pretty big issue all on its own.

Most warehouse managers will start by looking for other dedicated warehouse space to set up shop, and while that idea makes sense, it also means a lot of good candidates for warehousing space get overlooked—many of which can provide several distinct advantages when compared to other types of spaces. If you’re considering a big warehouse move or are expanding your current operations with a second facility, here’s four spaces to consider expanding into:


Commercial warehousing space

The first answer is one of the most obvious, but it’s a tried-and-true option. By locating other commercial warehousing space in your area, you can cut down drastically on the amount of work that needs to go into your move, and potentially reduce costs as well. Many commercial warehouses, especially ones that are newly-built or have been updated and used more recently, may already come installed with warehouse shelving and pallet racks, and may not be subject to the same strict zoning regulations as other types of spaces that were not intended to be used as warehouses. The upfront cost may be more, as the building has already been built out to meet the needs of a warehouse, but you may be able to save money in the long run by avoiding costly renovations or equipment upgrades.


Industrial sectors

Similarly, in today’s economy there’s a lot of unused industrial space. Usually on the outskirts of more populated areas, they may have served as a factory or paper mill and now lay vacant. There could be several advantages to converting these factories into usable warehouse space, not the least of which being the cost savings by moving into a building that’s already zoned and designed for heavier work (even if you’re no longer producing goods, simply storing them). After the initial setup of getting all the needed equipment and storage installed, these facilities can prove usable and durable in the long term.


Shared warehousing space

One of the advantages to today’s warehousing climate is that in many cases, warehouses will find themselves with more space than they need, and are willing to rent that space out to other businesses that need it. If you don’t want to spend the time to move into an entirely new warehouse, or only need a little extra overflow space, renting unused space from a currently-used warehouse could be a far more economic option.


Mixed-use space

In a similar vein, a lot of warehouses find mixed-use space to be a good solution to smaller moves and storage needs. Mixed-use space refers to any commercial property that’s zoned for a number of uses; part of the building could be office space, part of the building could be retail, and so on. There’s advantages and disadvantages to this approach: while it’s more cost-effective and negates needing an entire warehouse move (as, unless your warehouse isn’t particularly big to begin with, these options are typically better for overflow storage), the spaces are going to be more strictly regulated for noise and other ordinances which can restrict the sort of equipment you keep on site and the work you can do. Otherwise, this could be a good permanent solution to an overflow issue, or good extra space during the holiday rush.


Have you had any luck in finding new warehouse space? Leave a comment below!

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