Rolling Safety Ladders

A rolling safety ladder is an ideal ladder solution for many industrial and warehouse settings thanks to its mobility and design, but there’s many things that your workers need to be trained on to ensure their safety while using these ladders even above and beyond your typical ladder safety tips. Whatever your warehouse stocks or whatever your factory produces, here’s a few guidelines and things to look out for while using a rolling safety ladder:

Proper Care & Storage

Ladders, just like any industrial installation, needs to be properly stored and maintained while not in use. Store all your ladders in a dry, safe place to prevent damage to the metal components, and clean the steps, wheels, and handles while not in use to ensure safe operation. Storing ladders on hanging racks or wire shelving at six-foot intervals for long term storage will help to prevent damage during storage.

Inspection Before Use

No matter how safely your ladders are stored, you’ll still want to check your ladders for issues before using them each time. Make sure the wheels are properly affixed and intact, clear the steps of debris, and tighten any rivets or bolts as needed to make sure nothing on the ladder can come loose during usage. While you don’t need to perform a thorough 20-point inspection every time you get on a ladder, inspecting them at the beginning and end of each day for these issues will keep your workers safe and prevent any issues from getting worse.

RL-2 rolling safety ladder

Safe Climbing and Usage

While your workers are likely familiar with ladders at this point, it might be worthwhile to occasionally refresh them on proper safe climbing procedure to make sure your whole staff is using their ladders properly. Always face the ladder while climbing up and down while keeping your body centered between the rails, and make sure not to try and move the ladder while you’re still standing on it – yes, rolling ladders are designed to be mobile, but moving them while you’re standing on them is never a safe idea. Finally, making sure that your work area is clean and free of obstructions or hazardous materials (oil, water, etc) will help you get your ladder where it needs to go without damage or injury.

These tips should help you and your workers stay free of injury and keep your property and installations from damage during usage. If you want more information about our rolling ladders or industrial shelving options, contact today.

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