Wood Pallets are used in nearly every warehouse, and there are a lot of them.

Here are 15 ways you can use those wood pallets to make something cool.

1. Bike Rack

palletSimple and effective. This wood pallet bike rack is perfect for storing your bike.

2. Garden

pallet-garden-300x219Grow your favorite vegetables in a wood pallet!

3. Coffee Table

wood-pallets-coffee-tablePut a nice coat of paint and some casters onto a wood pallet and you’ve got yourself a very nice coffee table.

4. Shoe Rack

Wooden-Pallet-Shoe-Rack1Just sit a wood pallet right side up and you’ve got yourself an instant shoe rack!

5. Pot Holder 


All this requires are hooks for your pots and pans and some chain to hold it up. Super easy to make and it looks very cool.

6. Coat Rack 

used-pallet-coat-rackJust put a layer of paint onto the wood pallet, add some hangers, and you have a chic, modern coat rack.

7. Bed Tray

diy-pallet-bed-trayFor this simple bed tray, all you need to do is cut down the pallet into a lap size tray and voila!

8. Wine Rack 

64-Creative-Ways-To-Recycle-A-Pallet_57Who doesn’t love wine! Just add some holes into an old wood pallet and you can hold all the wine you desire.

9. Compost Bin

compostAll you have to do is put some pallets together in an oval shape, add some manure and your scrap food and you’ve got compost!

10. Swing

swJust add some rope to two wood pallets and you’ll have yourself a nice relaxing swing.

11. Lounge Chairs 

267524c8287b552b1e8d2d6693a67d83On the topic of relaxation, put a couple of wood pallets together, paint them a fun color, and bask in the sun in your new lawn chair.

12. Club House

10_creative_uses_for_old_wood_pallets_-_kids_club_house_idea_uses_for_wooden_pallets_If you are feeling creative, you can use a lot of wood pallets to create the club house of every kids dream!

13. Book Holders 

G 062Use parts of wood pallets to create a little shelf/holder for all your books.

14. Pallet Frame

Pallet-Frame-430x306Hang up an old wood pallet as a nice back drop for your favorite pictures.

15. Pavilion

7deff9e40d58f5c96e6719799c54613a 16808437ed6a89832dbfda05c2c75c81I do not fully understand how this is possible but it is just so incredibly amazing that I had to include it. If you think you have enough pallets to do this, I say go for it! It’s totally awesome.

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