Gondola shelving is one of the most commonly-seen types of shelving in the retail world. You can picture it already: a series of modular walls and shelves that allow you to display product and move them around as needed.
It can be hard, at times, to figure out where the best place to use gondola shelving can be, or what configurations to keep them in. While this is a question whose answer can change depending on each different store they’re used in, there’s a lot of tips to keep in mind when you need to move or add-on to your existing gondola shelves:
Increased wall shelving: A common place for gondola shelves is to add extra wall space and wall shelving to hold products where the customer is most likely to look for them. By using add on gondola wall shelving to expand the reach of your products, you can keep your floor free of clutter and keep your shelves better organized overall by providing more space for each product to hang.
Islands/floor shelving: If you have the room for individual shelf units throughout the store, gondola island shelving is a great way to implement smaller item displays on your available floor space. These islands can be used to highlight new products, gather sale items into an easily-accessible space, or simply increase the amount of inventory you can have on the floor at one time to help declutter your stockroom.
End caps: If your retail space has carefully defined aisles, using a gondola starter unit or wall unit can help you place end caps on the beginning and end of each aisle. This can help you better display products you want to draw more attention to and provide extra product space on the floor overall.
Incentive shelving: Finally, the space around the cash register has long been considered prime real estate for smaller incentive or add-on items. The flexible shape and dimensions of gondola shelving allow them to be placed close to cash registers for easy display of smaller additional items that you may want to entice your shoppers with before they finish their transactions.