If you work in product distribution, dropshipping, or even direct retail, the odds are you’ve got an Amazon storefront of some kind – and that means you need to start worrying about Prime Day.


Prime Day typically falls in early-to-mid July and is a huge boost to summertime sales, nearly equivalent to something like Black Friday or Cyber Monday except during a traditionally slow season. Prime Day sales have grown every year since the sale was first held, and as more than 50% of all orders placed during Prime Day are through third-party vendors, the odds are good that any retail business offering Prime Day deals is going to be pretty busy in a few weeks.


If you’re expecting an influx of Prime Day traffic, or if you went through it all last year and want to make things a little easier on your workers this time around, we’ve got a few tips to keep in mind:


Review your previous year’s sales. Before leaping into any huge Prime Day plans, take some time to go over your sales figures from last year. Was there an item or a Lightning Deal you offered that did noticeably better (or worse) than others? Did all of your orders seem to come from a certain geographic area? Which products were the most profitable, even after your discounts and offers? This can give you a good idea of what areas to focus on and what to offer for this year’s Prime Day.


Keep on top of your inventory. One of the biggest (and most common) mistakes a storefront can make is improper inventory tracking. The last thing you need during a day like Prime Day is running out of a popular item and having to cancel orders as a result. After you settle on what products you want to offer sales on, double- and triple-check your inventory levels compared to your sales volume from last year and work to ensure you have enough inventory on-hand to cover potential demand – and if you don’t, make sure you can order enough in time to get back up to workable levels.


Re-organize to prioritize. After you’ve brought your sales items back up to usable quantities, you’re going to need to make sure they’re easy to get to. Prioritize your sale items on some easily accessible warehouse shelving to make sure your workers can fulfill orders more quickly, and set up a dedicated picking and packing area (if you have the space to spare) for just the sale items to ensure they don’t get lost in the shuffle and can get out the door as fast as they need to. Amazon Prime customers aren’t exactly known for their patience, and getting orders filled as fast as possible will help make sure they remember you for next year.


Review your listings. Nothing can turn off a potential online sale faster than having a listing that’s hard to read, unclear, or poorly written. Review the copy on your listings to make sure they’re easy to read and will encourage positive customer behavior, and set up a rule in your listing to display low quantities to entice buyers to get theirs before it runs out.


Get everyone on the same page. All the item preparation in the world won’t make much difference if your staff isn’t equally prepared. Before Prime Day hits, round up your team and make sure everyone is on the same page as far as duties, potential hangups, expected sales volume, and areas of focus to ensure everyone is working to their fullest capacity and understands their job to keep everything flowing smoothly and the whole staff working together.


You can do this – and don’t worry, after this you still have a few months off until the holiday rush starts at least, right?

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