There’s a lot of talk about how the busy holiday seasons affects businesses, but most of the talk seems to go to retail and manufacturing. Consider, if you will, upgrading your restaurant management. Between all the year-end holidays and the gatherings that come with it, restaurants of any type and size get just as busy this time of year as other businesses, and proper preparation and planning can really impact your fortunes and successes. If you need to make sure your restaurant is prepared to handle the influx of customers you’re bound to encounter, we’ve got some tips that can help you get through the next few weeks:

Restaurant Management

Don’t Be Afraid To Over-staff

Any business needs a few extra sets of helping hands during their busy season, and with all the different roles that need to be filled in a restaurant you’re bound to need a lot of extra help. This time of year, don’t be afraid to over-staff, at least in your most crucial roles. It might have a bit of an impact on your bottom line, but when your customers remember the good service they received it’ll turn them into repeat business – which will help far more than saving money by cutting staff would in the short term.

Cater To Every Occasion

There’s going to be a lot of different reasons why people might come to your restaurant this time of year. Between all the different wintertime holidays that we celebrate, the office parties, the family gatherings, the impromptu meetings between friends, and everything else that can come up, you’re going to be getting a lot of requests for reservations and accommodations. Try to make sure your location is set up to meet these various needs, and be really careful about your scheduling to make sure you can provide facilities for as many different events as possible.

Get Your Kitchen Ready

Much like preparing a retail store for an influx of new business, restaurants need to keep up with the increased demand this time of year as well. Make sure to over-order on your most common supplies and ingredients, try to up your available levels of plates, flatware, and silverware to make sure the guests never go without, and upping your kitchen equipment with extra cooking equipment, restaurant shelving, and cutlery will help keep up with the increased demand.

Expand Your Menu For The Season

A lot of guests are going to expect special holiday offerings for this time of year, and if your menu and staff can accommodate the changes you should consider adding extra drinks and dishes. Consider something a little heavier to pair well with the colder weather; warmed beverages, heavier proteins like lamb racks or filets, or even special holiday-themed cocktails to give your regulars a reason to visit during the winter months.

Remember To Get Festive

Finally, given the time of year, you shouldn’t be afraid to get a little fancy. You don’t have to go overboard (unless that’s what you’re into), but stringing some lights and garland up and dimming the house lights a little can go a long way towards getting your guests (and staff) in the holiday mood.

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