Most of us, if not almost all of us, have someone in our lives who have been enlisted in the armed forces. Maybe it was a parent or grandparent, maybe it was a close friend, maybe it’s your spouse or partner – whoever it is, the chances are good that someone you care about is a veteran of America’s armed forces.

And if you do know someone who is or has been enlisted in the military, you know the sacrifices are great. Even above and beyond the risks to one’s health and well-being that they face every day, adjusting to civilian life can be even more difficult due to impermanent housing, frequent moves, and the potential for disability or injury to affect your ability to get things done around the house.

This Veteran’s Day, we wanted to think of a way to thank and honor those who bravely sacrificed so much for our country the best way we knew how: with shelving and home organization.

We know that a clean, organized space can do a lot for one’s quality of life, particularly someone affected with reduced mobility or ability to get around. To try and make the lives of our veterans a little easier, and to thank them for their service, we’ve launched the Veteran’s Day Giveaway.

If you or someone you know is a member of the U.S. Military and could use more and better storage in their home, we’re giving away a custom-designed freedomRail shelving system worth $2,000 to a veteran in need. freedomRail is one of the most modular, customizable, and easy-to-use storage solutions that can completely transform a room in their home to make it easier to use and access, even with limited mobility.

To be eligible for this contest, please make sure you (or the veteran you’re nominating) meet the following criteria:

  • Nominee must be either a former or current member of the U.S. Military
  • The nominee must reside in Michigan’s Oakland, Macomb, or Wayne Counties.
  • A completed application must be submitted by 11:59pm 11/19/2017.
  • Nominee consents to Shelving Inc. documenting the shelving makeover.
  • Nominee must not be employees or family of employees of Shelving Inc. or WXYZ.

Interested in entering and helping improve things for a veteran in your life? Fill out the nomination form today – all applications must be received by 11:59pm 11/19/2017, and the winner will be announced on WXYZ’s morning news show!

Any questions? Feel free to contact with any questions, and we look forward to your entries – and to thanking our veterans for their service.

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