We’re back with another Q&A, showing you the many faces of our Shelving Inc. team. As a small, family-owned company, every single member is integral to our success. 

Today’s feature: Travis Hissong.  


Growing up in Bellville, OH, Travis attended Wright State University and received a degree in business management and organizational leadership with a minor in finance. 

He is now one of our talented sales representatives, starting at Shelving Inc. in 2014. 


He began working in our warehouse – helping pull industrial orders, manage inventory, and review incoming and outgoing freight. After that, he shifted into the sales department.  

Travis starts a typical day by checking in with other sales representatives, staying up to date on their projects. He then drives to his first appointment, often visiting two or three companies a day to discuss their storage needs and ways we can help. 

Next, he stops at any ongoing job sites to ensure the project is running smoothly. After this point, he will head back to the office to develop quotes from his recent appointments and touch base with customers about outstanding quotes. 


When visiting with a potential customer, Travis always maintains a positive mindset – asking himself how he can best assist and provide solutions big or small.


Rapid Fire:

  • Profession you wanted to be as a kid: A baseball player 
  • Pizza or pasta: Pizza
  • Who inspires you: His brother; climbing the ladder in his industry, Travis couldn’t be more proud 
  • Advice you’d give someone new to this field: Be a sponge and learn as much as you can as quickly as you can, so you know more solutions to different problems 
  • Dream car: His dream truck would be a GMC Denali Duramax; his dream car would be a 1969 Dodge Charger


Before his days at Shelving Inc., Travis was a professional baseball player, playing five years with the New York Yankees, one year with the Milwaukee Brewers, and one year in the CANAM League. 

As a kid, he was obsessed with sports like football, basketball, and baseball – and the latter is what stuck. While playing, he was able to meet many of his childhood heroes, even sharing a locker room with some, making it a very memorable experience.

Knowing his baseball career wouldn’t last forever, Travis loves his current position. He thoroughly enjoys traveling to different places, solving issues, and interacting with all types of people. 


As far as personal accomplishments go, he’s most proud of getting married less than a year ago and adding a new member to his family – a Vizsla named Vinny. 

In the future, his main goal is to expand the sales team. He would love to have broader outreach to help customers in-person out of state.

That’s all for now! Stay tuned for the next Q&A in the coming weeks.

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