We’re back with another edition of Q&A by the Coffee Machine, where we get to know the different faces of Shelving Inc. Today’s feature is Ronna Anspach! 

Ronna has been a loyal member of our company for 18 years, hired as a contract sales representative. 

She loves to share how when she first began, everyone shared one computer that was located in the kitchen. They used a schedule to keep track of when each person could use it. Because she had to work with contractors for different jobs, she needed the computer the most and eventually got her own. 

In her current position, Ronna specifically deals with lockers and wire mesh partitions. On a typical day, she’ll first go through her emails to see what jobs are currently out for bid. When she finds one that Shelving Inc. can do, she’ll pull out the various drawings and details from the job. Figuring out what products are needed, she’ll develop a quote and send it to the contractor. If it’s approved, she’ll order the material and then coordinate with our installers to complete the job. 

Ronna really enjoys being able to see a project through from start to finish. She also says every job is different, which helps keep her on her toes. 

Looking back, her most memorable job was for a contracting job a few years ago. In addition to ordering 1,000 lockers, she also had to organize the installation of used lockers in the meantime. Needless to say, it was a large (but fun) challenge. 

When she’s not at work, you can find Ronna unwinding on the couch with a good book. She also enjoys knitting and crocheting, especially blankets and hats for the babies of family and friends. 

Rapid Fire:

  • TV personality you’d love to switch places with for the day: Alex Trebek
  • If magic was real, the spell you’d try to learn first: A spell that creates fun
  • Biggest trick you’ve picked up from your job: Learning how to concentrate
  • Language you wish you could speak: French
  • Best vacation you’ve ever had: A trip to Ohio with her family

Many members of our staff are delighted when Ronna brings her Shitzu, Jamie, into work. Considered a special needs dog because of his age and seizure condition, she decided to rescue him four years ago knowing she could give him the attention he needs. 

Ronna’s blessed with four kids and seven grandkids. As mentioned above, the family had a wonderful vacation in Ohio last year. From going to the zoo to having picnics, she hopes they do it again in 2020. 

She’s most proud of raising four girls that are college-educated and doing well. As far as future aspirations go, she dreams of winning a big jackpot at the casino. Her first purchase? Probably a bigger house. 

We’re so lucky to have such a knowledgeable member on our team. Make sure to come back in a few weeks for another Q&A!

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