We’re back with another edition of Q&A by the Coffee Machine, where we get to know different staff members here at Shelving, Inc. Our well-oiled machine of a team has many moving parts – all working to get what you ordered to your front porch. 

Today’s feature: Justin McVay. 


Justin is part of the shipping and receiving crew, responsible for picking, packing, and shipping customers’ orders. If you’ve ever purchased a product from us, it might have been Justin who boxed it up with care! 

He started working here about 9 years ago but just returned last year after living out of the state for a bit. He most enjoys the constancy of this job, always aiming to get orders out quickly and correctly. 

When he’s not at work, you can find Justin hanging out with family or friends – or Dash, his 11-month-old Pitbull. 


Rapid Fire:

  • If you could time travel, where would you go: He’s happy staying in the present
  • Biggest pet peeve: Dirt under fingernails 
  • Best piece of advice you’ve received: To be yourself and go for your goals 
  • Food you can’t live without: Chicken
  • Mountains or beach: Beach – in fact, he’s going to Florida this week! 


Some may not know he used to be a chef, working at Flagstar Corporation for 3 years. Coming from a big cooking family and being around executive chefs helped him grow his culinary skills. 

Reflecting on his life so far, Justin’s most proud of getting married this year, as well as buying a house. His little family is coming together and we’re so happy for him! 


In the future, he plans to complete his GED and then enroll in nursing school. 

Well, that’s all folks! Come back in a few weeks for another Q&A. 

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