As a small, family-owned company, every single team member is integral to our success. In this Q&A by the Coffee Machine series, we introduce you to different employees here and how they help Shelving Inc. run smoothly and efficiently.

Today, we’re featuring Chris Moore. 

Growing up in Hobart, IN, Chris moved to Michigan three years ago to live closer to his girlfriend.

He started here in 2018 and is one of our outside sales representatives. He’s in charge of finding and acquiring new commercial and industrial customers for us to service.

On an average day, Chris likes to start with a customer appointment, discussing the facility’s specific needs and taking notes. He’ll also deliver catalogues in the surrounding area. He then spends his time planning the best storage solutions for client spaces, creating layout drawings, quoting projects, processing orders, and visiting larger jobs to oversee the installations.

So far, his most memorable job has been with a local grow facility, tasked with problem solving the best way to set up their drying room. They ended up deciding on custom tray drying racks and the customer was very happy with the results.

Chris thrives in this position because every day is a little different. He’s able to form relationships with different types of people, from warehouse managers to supply chain leaders, and can see how various facilities operate.

Over the years, the most valuable piece of advice he’s learned is you can never ask too many questions. It’s important to collect as much information as possible—whether from customers or coworkers—in order to make the best decisions for clients.

A huge Chicago Cubs fan, Chris has been to over 100 games, but loves going to any sporting event. As he used to play sports himself, he adores the rowdy atmosphere and getting into the game.

Rapid Fire:

  • Top vacation destination: Thailand
  • Dream job as a kid: Sports broadcaster on ESPN
  • Useless talent: Best Monopoly player
  • Favorite junk food: Vanilla ice cream
  • Biggest phobia: Snakes and spiders

When he’s not at work, you can catch Chris working out, playing golf, or watching sports on TV. He also enjoys a good concert. His favorite (so far) was a Florida Georgia Line concert on his birthday, and was the first show he ever saw in Michigan.

Overall, his biggest goal is to become our #1 sales representative.

Stay tuned for the next Q&A in the coming weeks!

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