We’re back with another edition of Q&A by the Coffee Machine, where we get to know different staff members here at Shelving, Inc.! It truly takes a team of people across multiple departments to keep this company running smoothly and efficiently. 

Introducing our newest employee: Ashley Santiago


As our accounting assistant, Ashley’s primary focus is accounts payable. She’s in charge of entering invoices into our system, as well as preparing and mailing checks. 

Growing up in Hazel Park, Ashley earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology at Welch College. She made the move to Tennessee 12 years ago where she worked in HR, as well as a residential counselor for trauma victims. While the job was very rewarding, it was one you could easily take home with you. Needing a break, she decided to come back to Michigan in May to start this next chapter of her life. 


Rapid Fire:

  • Movie quote you use on a regular basis: Anything from The Princess Bride
  • Big dogs or small dogs: Big dogs
  • Favorite type of muffin: Banana
  • To feel better after a bad day, you: Read or go workout
  • Ice cream or gelato: Ice cream


In her free time, you can catch Ashley in a cozy spot reading or playing games with friends (naming a favorite was tough but she landed on marbles.) 

Now that she’s diving into the accounting field, her future goal is to go back to school for a business degree. She also hopes to own a pooch one day, possibly a Labrador or Labradoodle. 


Thanks for stopping by! Come back in a few weeks for another Q&A. 

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