At Shelving Inc., we’re constantly looking for ways to elevate the products and services we provide to our customers. The past 60 years have taught us to humbly welcome new opportunities and we saw one last year when we hired Dave Dolinski, our tool outfitting service expert.

As our tool outfitting service has continued to build momentum and grow in volume, we recently acquired an additional building to solely house our stock of tools. We sat down with Dave to discuss his experience expanding the department thus far.

Dave has been integral in the growth of this tool department. Before starting at Shelving Inc., he worked in sales at Milwaukee Tool for 18 years. Working with utility companies for about 30 years, he’s become a go-to resource for those who need tool outfitting and replenishment. 



Typically, Dave starts work at 5:30am and hustles non-stop throughout the remainder of the day. Starting at our original building to check emails and discuss projects with staff, he then moves to our new location – monitoring inventory, scheduling tool deliveries, and visiting all customer locations throughout the week. 

However, he said that one phone call could entirely change a day’s plans. For example, if a company needs to place an urgent tool order, Dave will work with other team members to shift delivery schedules and get the products prepared.  


Dave said our customers are our number one priority, so we will always do what it takes to get what they need. Regardless of the day, we will respond to phone calls within 24 hours – if not the same day. 

“We strive to service our customers. It’s the first and foremost thing for us,” Dave said. “We want to make sure we’re an added value component. We don’t just sell products; we support them.” 

When deciding what tools to offer, Dave said we mainly base the selection off of our customers’ needs. If someone names an item, we will do our research and often grow our offering from there. Going directly to the manufacturer, we become a representative of their product. We currently offer thousands of tools – from a simple screwdriver to as technical as a 15-ton press. 



So, how do we stay organized? In our operations, much of what we use is carried on our site. Unirak pallet racking stores all of our inventory. Each product has a designated “home,” allowing us to stay up to date on what products we have in stock and when we need to reorder. 

We also use stacking AkroBins to keep smaller items contained.

When an order is pulled, the products are placed onto a wire shelving cart for easy mobility. They are then transferred to a packing station and prepared for delivery.



Dave said one of our biggest keys is that we treat each customer like our only customer. We never try to oversell, but rather offer fitting solutions. With orders big or small, we will put in the time it takes to go above and beyond.

When it comes to running a growing department, Dave’s number one piece of advice is to always take the highroad. Strive to choose the most helpful course of action for your customers. 

“It’s easy to pick out a part for someone, but it’s right to provide the full support they need to best assist the customer,” he said. 

If there’s an unforeseen issue or an especially complicated request, Dave asks himself how we can best fulfil their needs. Especially in today’s unique landscape, people may find themselves against different odds. Shelving Inc. will always hustle, showing our customers that they can continually count on us.



For more information on this service, visit our Tool Outfitting Service page.

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