It’s hard to believe we’re already over halfway through the summer. Where has all of the time gone? With so many plans and so little time to do it all, choosing what activities to participate in and which to pass on becomes increasingly difficult. For the fathers out there, keeping your little sports-stars entertained and active throughout the long summer days often means more time for yourself. Here are some quick and easy ways to manage your time while having fun this summer.

It’s a wBALLCLAW-5ell-known fact that kids are much better at pulling toys out to play with than putting them back where they go. Especially if your kids are in sports, there’s still tons of work left over once they’ve finished playing outside. Cleaning up after their messes and making sure everything gets back to it’s original spot can take time. Save some time to do things YOU want to do this summer by adding sports equipment racks to your garage.  SI’s Ball Claws come fully assembled and are incredibly affordable. Considering the time you will save not having to clean up after your kids’ sporting endeavors outside, these Ball Claws nearly pay for themselves. BALLCLAW-4

In addition to utility, Ball Claws are also aesthetically pleasing. Don’t sacrifice space in your garage or shed with bulky tubs and bins for equipment storage. Ball Claws attach firmly to your walls and keep your sports balls within arm’s reach and on display for everyone to see, while staying out of the way.


If sports balls are the least of your worries, there are other options that can help cut down on down-time this summer. SI’s Kids Lockers are a great way to not only increase organization in your garage, but to give your kids a little space to call their own. Lockers are ideal for use in the garage or rec room, and provide enough room to clean up even the most cluttered of spaces. Teach your kids the value and importance of putting things back where they belong with these specialized kids lockers.

Designed to be thin and lightweight without losing its structure or durability, lockers can be easily fit into the corners of your garage to increase storage space for all of that pesky sporting equipment. Free up some valuable time that would have been spent cleaning up after your kids this summer by giving their gear a permanent home to live. Learn what a lazy summer day really feels like with the help of sports lockers; Or, spend a little extra time playing and laughing with your kids, knowing that the clean-up afterwards will be easy and fast. Get back to your family this summer and have fun!


We at SI believe in actively bettering our space, as well as ourselves. Don’t be the parent that allows the TV to be their babysitter this summer. Enroll your children in sports or other activities outside and help them have a fun, active summer. Sports, in general, can be incredibly valuable for younger children. Even from an early age, the discipline and determination that are taught through sports can be carried through life. Don’t give them a lazy summer of video games and TV, get your kids outside and keep them active this summer!

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