A relatively new concept that continues to grow in popularity, push back racking offers many specific advantages and benefits for anyone who requires deeper racking options for larger items or heavier loads. A rolling rack built into the beams allows more dense items to be stocked all the way to the back of the racks and provides support for much heavier items than you might be able to store on standard racking. If you’re considering installing some push back racking in your facility but you want to know a little more about the advantages they provide and how to use them, read on to learn more:


Better Inventory Control

The method of placing items on a push back rack helps to ensure better inventory control using a First In First Out system. Items placed in first can be accessed more easily to make sure inventory is being properly rotated, which is especially helpful when it’s an item that requires a sell-by date. It also allows for better SKU selectivity by giving you the ability to make every vertical pick face a different SKU or item type, allowing for easier movement and management of product types you find yourself going through a lot of.


Easier Loading and Retrieval

Thanks to their open design, push back racks allow for fork lifts to deposit loads more quickly. The newest loads push the previous items back up the incline to instantly create the space needed to keep items safely on the rack without the need to remove items or reorganize your racks to make room. It also cuts down on travel time for the forklift operator, meaning your operations will flow more efficiently and place less stress on your workers and equipment.


Create More Storage Space

More so than several other kinds of pallet storage, push back racking offers an increased amount of space to free up room in other areas of your facility or warehouse. Designed specifically for larger pallets and bigger quantities of items, installing push back racks allow you to clear space for other items that cannot be stored on pallets or placed on racks for whatever reason. In addition, the reduced workload it offers on your forklift will help keep your aisles and shop floor clear of obstructions to help keep your employees safe and your storage space free.


No matter what you keep on them, push back racking can prove to be a huge benefit to your team, your inventory, and your warehouse operations overall.

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