One of the most challenging aspects of medical design and storage is designing a front-facing pharmacy for your customers. The medical needs of Americans today are vast and different, and designing a pharmacy to meet these needs can be an intimidating process.
If your medical facility needs a pharmacy to better meet the needs of your customers, here’s a few tips that should help your pharmacy workers serve their customers better, and help your patients get the medication they need as easily as possible:
Prepare Your Inventory
Pharmacies are expected to fulfill a large number of medication needs, but you can’t expect to stock every single medication possible. Try to pin down exactly what you’re going to need to carry – if your pharmacy is attached to a hospital or care center, you can customize your medication stock to whatever the facility specializes in. If not, try to gather information about the most popular prescriptions in your area, or the most common prescription drugs overall, and work from there. You can’t carry everything – but you can throw a wide net to bring in as much business as possible.
Provide Storage
Pharmacies, much like any other health care facility, needs to maintain a high standard of cleanliness and efficiency to protect their products, workers, and customers from contaminated medication or potential issue – not to mention how many different products you’ll have to keep stocked. NSF approved medical shelving is an ideal way to provide sufficient space for all the different medications you need to stock, as well as working to limit contamination and accidental mixing of potentially harmful medications.
Provide A Good Floor Plan
Of course, you can’t just stuff your pharmacy full of shelves and medications and expect success. Your pharmacy technicians will need room to work and move, not to mention how much cleaner everything will feel if you have a little breathing room. Get an idea of how much space you have to work with and plan around it – your workers will thank you.
Make It Inviting
This last step might be a little less crucial, but it will absolutely be noticed and appreciated by your customers. Pharmacies can be an occasionally scary or intimidating place, depending on the medical conditions your customers face, and they’ll appreciate any steps you take to make the pharmacy seem more inviting. Use soft LED lighting to light the building in a less-harsh fashion, provide a comfortable waiting room for customers whose prescriptions aren’t quite ready yet, and make sure to keep it decorated. All those stereotypes about the ‘hospital waiting room’ exist for a reason, and your customers will appreciate any steps you take to avoid them.