Shelving, Inc. is very proud to announce receiving a commendation for outstanding customer service as an online retailer. Unlike many awards in our social-media saturated society, this was not a prize based on popularity. We have earned this recognition after being evaluated on over 350 metrics from the ordering process to shipping products timely, all the while keeping our customers informed of their order status, answering questions and overcoming obstacles when necessary. For this, and many more reasons, we have been awarded the STELLA Service Seal of Excellence.


Not just a pun on stellar service, STELLA Service is a brand that is rapidly growing in an effort to create transparency for customers that shop online. It is an independent evaluating agency that researches how businesses operate from customer to customer. By posing as an anonymous customer, they experience the buying process online with an eye out for service that goes above and beyond. Looking at several factors including FAQ pages, means of contacting the business, and how quickly questions get answered, STELLA scores a business on their ability to provide to the customer.Shelving Inc LogoWe are proud to have exceeded the established standards of service to earn the recognition of STELLA. You can find the seal displayed beneath our bizrate certification on the left hand side of any page. This is one more step on the long road of creating and maintaining an honest and open relationship with our customers. We may just sell shelves, but the people who work in this company do more than organize warehouses, we help satisfy customer needs. At the end of the day, it’s not about how much money you made, it’s about the difference you made in someone’s life.

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