For Fathers Day, The Oakland Press announced a contest for Oakland County families to nominate their Father Of The Year. The winning dad would receive a garage makeover by Shelving Inc.! Nominations were posted on Facebook and the winner was determined by who received the most “likes”. Hundreds of dads were nominated and Facebook was filled with heartwarming and loving messages.

The Oakland Press announced Jim Hetzel as Father Of The Year. His stepdaughter Amy posted a wonderful nomination:

“Although he is not my biological father, I don’t know what I would have done without my stepdad, Jim Hetzel from Oxford. My stepdad would do anything for my mom and brother and would give his shirt off his back if you needed it and I admire him so much! When I was a young girl, my mother was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, and my stepdad almost gave up everything to be able to be home to take care of her, take her to radiation appointments, and the many procedures and surgeries that followed for many years after while still being the sole provider of the household. During that time was when I realized that he was someone special. Throughout my entire life and my oldest memories, I cannot think of a time where he ever treated me any differently from my brother, for anyone looking in you would have never known that he wasn’t my real dad. It is easy for a mom and dad to have that instant connection with their dad, but it’s amazingly special when you have that connection with your stepdad. Not only is he a great stepdad, but he is an amazing grandfather! I am beyond blessed to know that my daughter has him in her life and has the opportunity to learn from him. Words cannot begin to describe how lucky we truly are for him and I would love to be able to allow him the opportunity at this amazing gift, as I am not able to do something like this for him even though I know he would love something as simple as a Happy Father’s Day card.”

We were so excited to get to Jim’s house and come up with a plan to get his garage organized. Take a look at how the installation went!

Congratulations, Jim! You’re an awesome dad and we were so happy to have helped!

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