Whatever you might be growing, and no matter how big your grow operation may be, there’s one thing every greenhouse needs to worry about: Old Man Winter.

Maybe we’re particularly sensitive to it because we’re from Michigan, but winter is always a hard thing to deal with for any industry, no matter what you sell. This goes double for things like greenhouses, where your products and crops are going to be particularly sensitive to changes to the temperature outside.

And while you likely already have a selection of tools and strategies for mitigating the chilling effects of winter on your crops and harvests, a lot more can go into protecting an industrial greenhouse than something on the less-commercial side.

Here’s a few things to look out for if you’re about to winterize your industrial greenhouse or commercial grow operation:


Commercial Greenhouse Winterization Tips


Maintain proper ventilation

Ventilation is one of the biggest steps to making sure your plants get the temperature and wind flow they need during the colder months. Make sure your greenhouse shelves aren’t blocking any major sources of heat, keep your plants far enough away from any potential heat sources to prevent them from totally drying out, and check your vents for any potential obstructions or damage before they need to start working harder over the winter.


Filter and drain your water systems

Every watering system in a greenhouse can use a little refreshing every now and then, and the months leading to winter can be a perfect opportunity to clean your sprinklers. Clear the plants off of your rust proof shelving and drain all your water tanks to restore pressure and clear out any sediment that may have formed over the summer.


Check your insulation

All the heat in the world isn’t going to make much difference if you can’t keep it inside the greenhouse. Inspect your doorframes, vents, and walls for any visible cracks, damage, or missing insulation to make sure there’s nothing the heat can sneak out through.


Take inventory

Knowing where your plants are before the cold season rolls in can help you save a lot of time in the long run. Review your drying racks and cloning tables to keep track of all your viable remaining plants before you start buttoning up for the long winter’s nap, and see where your current count stands against your expected inventory and/or sales figures.


Wash everything

Finally, no matter how active your greenhouse will be during the winter, now is a great time to wash everything before it gets too cold to stay productive. Clean off your shelves, your tables, and even your greenhouse tray trucks to get them all clean and ready to get through the winter without any excess dirt or debris.

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