Has this ever happened to you?
It’s called rail failure, and there’s no need to be embarrassed. Individual carton or gravity flow rails are wont to slip out of place, dropping important packages containing fragile items. If only there was a better way to transport merchandise, stock shelves, or pick and pack with ease!
Unex has created adjustable, easy to assemble gravity flow cells that will make dropped boxes a thing of the past. Relax the burden placed on your employees with these ergonomic carts and prevent injury from fatigue. Since the unit is constructed of heavy gauge steel, you’ll never need to worry about rack failure. Now you can utilize First-In First-Out inventory rotation without hassle!
These flow systems aren’t limited to linear configurations or individual cells. You can automate entire processes throughout your warehouse with the right setup! All it takes is a little imagination, some guidance by our warehouse experts, and a few well placed warehouse rolling racks to get the job done.
With our new gravity flow racks, roller racks, and pick cells from Unex, you can always keep the goods flowing.