We’re back with another Q&A, showing you the many faces of our Shelving Inc. team. As a small, family-owned company, every single member is integral to our success.

Today’s feature: Arian Sharon.  


Arian started at Shelving Inc. this August, and has been a valuable asset in keeping our operations running smooth and efficient.

Her main focus is in the accounting department, working closely alongside our external accounting company to ensure swift completion of tasks and resolution of issues. She also communicates with our many vendors to provide invoices, as well as works on projects with our tool outfitting service expert – all on top of any additional items needed from staff.


Growing up in St. Petersburg, Florida, Arian moved to Michigan in 2018. With an undergrad degree in forensic psychology, she worked for the Department of Justice for 7 years as a federal officer.

Her favorite part of that position? The days were constantly changing and evolving – after spending two hours of her shift doing paperwork, she might immediately need to pivot to take care of an urgent situation. However now that she has children, her focus has shifted.


Rapid Fire:

  • Dinner partner with anyone from history: Einstein, because she’d love to get inside his brilliant brain for a bit
  • Book everyone should read: 1984 by George Orwell
  • Movie that needs a sequel: All romantic comedies, to show the real-life story of what happened after the kiss
  • Food she couldn’t live without: Potatoes
  • First travel destination after the pandemic: Florida, so she can see her family


When she’s not at work, you can find Arian painting or reading tarot. As an avid reader, she also loves curling up with a book – mainly reading fiction but also dabbling with mystery, romance, or fantasy.

So far, her biggest personal accomplishment would be being the mom of two sweet and sassy “short people”: Charlotte (age 6) and Cadence (age 4). They most enjoy traveling together, visiting family, and swimming.


In the future, she would love to finish her master’s degree in counseling psychology. With two classes to go, she doesn’t want to finish in order to pursue a career in the field, but rather to achieve the task.

More importantly, her biggest goal is to raise two decent children, making sure they’re happy, healthy, and in a good space for a successful future.

That’s all for now! Stay tuned for the next Q&A in the coming weeks.

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