Steel clip shelving comes in two different styles: closed and open. Closed clip shelving units have a piece of metal along the back and on both sides. But open clip shelving isn’t enclosed at all except for an X-shaped brace on each side and the back for stability. The closed clip style allows for better stability and helps to keep items being stored clean. Open clip shelving, on the other hand, is a more economical choice and has the benefit of making its contents more visible and easily accessible since it isn’t enclosed at all.
Like many other types of shelving units, how much weight you can store per shelf depends on the dimensions of the shelf. Our clip shelving units can hold between 500 and 850 pounds per shelf. Whether or not a clip shelving unit is open or closed doesn’t make an impact on how much weight you can store on each shelf. Steel clip shelving is a great choice to use in offices, storerooms, basements, garages, and for some purposes in warehouses.
Since steel clip shelving is made completely of steel, including the shelves themselves, there’s no need to worry about trying to decide which type of decking you should get like you would with rivet shelving. Steel clip shelving is an excellent option if you need to store something like corrosive chemicals, which could potentially be damaging to something like particle board wood decking or to things stored on other shelves if wire shelving is used.
Just like wire shelving or rivet shelving, steel clip shelving is very easy to assemble and can be customized to fit your needs. You can always purchase extra shelves if you find yourself needing more. If you want to provide extra security for items stored on a closed clip shelving unit, you have the option of adding a door that locks.